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  • Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice

    Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice

Article Date: 29 March 2012

Article Date: 29 March 2012

Stop Press: Next Bronze DofE dates are 20-21 April and 23-23 April. 

The long weekend of 23 - 26 March saw 63 students from year 10 complete their Bronze DofE practice expedition.

For the expedition the students had to walk in groups of between four and seven from Pleshey to Roxwell on day one and Roxwell to Great Leighs on day two.  The students had to be completely self-sufficient during this time and carry all of their provisions including tents, stoves, clothing and food.

All of the students who took part pushed themselves and worked well in their teams.  We were really lucky with the weather, although it was a little cold overnight!

We now look forward to the end of April when the same group of students will attempt their assessment expedition.

Many thanks to all the staff who gave up their weekend to support and to the students for their excellent behaviour and enthusiasm.

Miss Bonny and Mr Burge

Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinators

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