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  • Gurdwara Karamsar

    Gurdwara Karamsar

Article Date: 26 February 2019

Article Date: 26 February 2019
The Humanities Faculty took 50 Year 8 students to visit the Karamsar Gurdwara in Ilford on 25 February 2019. The gurdwara staff were incredibly welcoming and informative.They took the students on a tour of the gurdwara, including the main prayer hall, where students were lucky enough to observe hymns being performed. The students were then given an in-depth talk and exploration of the Guru Granth Sahib and the Five Ks, covering areas they would have explored before and also information that was new to them. Many of the students found the talk fascinating and engaging, and took the opportunity to ask lots of questions of the gurdwara staff.

After the tour, the gurdwara staff provided a lunch for the students. Here they were given the chance to directly engage in Sikh traditions in a way that was educational and enjoyable. The students were polite and respectful in the food hall and the gurdwara staff were incredibly generous to the students.

Mr M Highmoor

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