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  • GCSE Certificates 2019

    GCSE Certificates 2019

Article Date: 19 December 2019

Article Date: 19 December 2019
We were delighted to see so many former students from Year 11 returning to school on Tuesday 17 December 2019 to collect their GCSE certificates. Thanks to the catering team for a lovely buffet. It was great to hear how many of you are getting on in your new courses.

If students were unable to attend the event certificates they can be collected from the Campus Reception until Friday 20 December 2019. If you are not able to collect your certificates in person, an adult family member or friend may collect on your behalf. However, the person collecting must bring: 

  • a note from the student (which our Exams Department will retain) detailing the student’s name and date of birth, plus the name of the person collecting on their behalf
  • photographic ID (of the person collecting the certificate on behalf of the student).

Pleae click here to see a gallery of photos from this event.

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