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  • Gabriella Howes - Jack Petchey Winner Nov 2017

    Gabriella Howes - Jack Petchey Winner Nov 2017

Article Date: 16 November 2017

Article Date: 16 November 2017

Gabby was nominated to receive the Jack Petchey award by a member of the community for her brave and inspirational attitude overcoming the serious medical condition of scoliosis.

She has been through an incredibly painful and traumatic journey both physically and emotionally. 

Whilst recuperating after her operation, Gabby kept on top of her school work and attended school as much as she could – since January of this year, Gabby has achieved 100% attendance, only having time off school for a medical appointment. She truly is an inspiration to her peers, family, friends and other sufferers.

Well done Gabby!

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