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  • England Women’s Rugby World Cup Winner Visits Notley

    England Women’s Rugby World Cup Winner Visits Notley

Article Date: 05 June 2015

Article Date: 05 June 2015
England Women’s Rugby World Cup winner Emma Croker came into Notley High School today to work with our students. She was able show her expertise and enthusiasm whilst working with a group of Year 7 girls, as she put them through their paces in a practical session.

Afterwards, Emma kindly gave her time to sit down and discuss her experiences in both rugby and women’s sport with another group of girls from Year’s 9 and 10. The students were also given the opportunity to quiz Emma on her high level sporting career and her lifestyle. All of the girls were excited about listening to stories of winning the World Cup and her training regimes. Emma joined us during ‘Women in Sport Week’ and proved to be a great inspiration to both students and staff.

Emma Croker

Photo gallery to follow - watch this space...

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