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  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Trip

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Trip

Article Date: 08 December 2015

Article Date: 08 December 2015
On Thursday 3 December 100 excited year 8 students boarded the coaches to travel to Drury Lane Theatre, London to watch the wonderful stage production Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

After a sweet-fueled journey we arrived safely to find that we were sat right at the front of the stalls, which was excellent! 

The first half of the show was very exciting with lots of laughs and singing but the magic really began after the interval when Charlie and the other golden ticket winners, entered Willy Wonka's factory! The scenes, props, lighting and acting was first class! It was an amazing performance and everyone had a brilliant time! 

Some of the students said "It was the best west end show I have ever seen"

"I wish I could see it again and sing along at the top of my voice" 

"The only thing that could have made it better was if the air in the theatre smelt of chocolate"

"We wish we had a golden ticket to enter Wonka's factory"

It was a marvellous evening and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A big thank you to Mrs Glynn for organising our incredible evening and thank you to all the students who behaved perfectly and all managed to come into school the next day, despite having had a very late night. 

Miss Stanley 

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