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Charity Fun Day – Tuesday 20 July 2021

Charity Fun Day – Tuesday 20 July 2021

Article Date: 16 July 2021

Article Date: 16 July 2021
Students in Years 7 – 10 will be participating in a Charity Fun Day on Tuesday 20 July at school.  The activities will replace students’ normal lessons for the day and students will follow a revised timetable according to their year group.

Activities will include students completing an end of year quiz, staff vs students’ rounders match, a charity fayre and either a virtual theatre experience or film session.

The charity fayre will comprise of a variety of stalls where students will be able to take part in competitions and challenges, win prizes in the tombola and even have the opportunity to throw sponges at staff! We will also have an ice cream van on site for students to purchase a cold treat if they wish to do so.

In order to raise money for our House charities, we kindly ask for a donation between £1 - £5 which can be paid via your child’s ParentPay account. Further information regarding our House charities can be found on our website: Charities - Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form

Students can wear suitable non-uniform on the day, but please note that students are not permitted to wear items that are inappropriate for the school environment, and that for health and safety reasons, the usual rules regarding jewellery and other accessories still apply. Hair must not be dyed an unnatural colour, even temporarily. No shorts or revealing clothes will be permitted. Any students wearing such clothing will be sent home to change. 

We hope that the students enjoy the day and thank you in advance for your support.

House Leaders

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