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  • Brooke's Community Spirit

    Brooke's Community Spirit

Article Date: 19 March 2020

Article Date: 19 March 2020

We are extremely proud of Brooke Newton in Year 11 who has shown true community spirt in our current climate. 

“Ever since the Coronavirus situation has started, it has continued to get worse but not just the virus, the extreme shopping people have been doing. Whenever I see empty shelves and people that have bought way too much than they need it frustrates me as I feel bad for the elderly and the vulnerable - they physically cannot go out and get their shopping, and if they do, most of the time it has all gone. So when I was walking home from school, I went into the convenience shop to see if there were any toilet rolls and there were, so I quickly grabbed a few packets and of course left a few for other people.  Then I walked to a row of bungalows where I knew that elderly and vulnerable people live, and knocked on their doors and gave them a packet of toilet rolls each. They were all very appreciative of it and I have had many thanks from people. It was such a small gesture, I would not hesitate to do it again! It is the little things that count, that can help put everyone in a better situation at this chaotic time”.

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