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  • Beat Boxing at Notley

    Beat Boxing at Notley

Article Date: 13 March 2017

Article Date: 13 March 2017

During this half term, 30 students from Years 7, 8 and 10 had the opportunity to take part in a beat boxing project led by professional performer, Randolph Matthews. 

This involved three workshops where students learned the basics of beat boxing "P, T, K" and gained confidence in using the voice to make different sounds. They created their own remixes in small groups using beat box, singing and sound effects and practiced performing these with microphones.

The project culminated in a final performance on Wednesday 8 March 2017, along with three other local schools. This was an exciting event with performances from Randolph and all four schools to a packed out theatre. Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form students did not disappoint with their exciting remixes of songs by 21 Pilots, Walk the Moon and Maroon 5. Particular highlights included Madison Karakus' (Year 7) vocal solo and Josh Christie's (Year 10) on stage managerial skills. Well done to all those involved it was a fantastic performance and a great achievement to perform in front of such a big audience. 

Click here to see the gallery of photos from the day.

Miss R Freeman
Music Teacher

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