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  • BBC Director of World News visits Notley

    BBC Director of World News visits Notley

Article Date: 09 June 2015

Article Date: 09 June 2015
“Bombard them with emails, knock down their doors” that is what Richard Murrell, Director of World News at the BBC says is needed to get a foot in the door of the competitive media industry.

Over sixty students from Years 10, 12 and 13 were treated to a varied talk that ranged from a historical perspective of the BBC to a whistle-stop tour of Richard’s diverse career, and on to future challenges and developments in the world of media and journalism.  

Students gained an insight into the differing job roles the industry has to offer and the changing landscape of the media industry, which is coming to terms with the multiplicity of ways people now consume news and which is seeing a convergence of different formats and different technologies. It was clear from Richard’s talk that “soft skills” such as resilience, communication, creativity, the ability to deal with pressure, organisation, team working and above all an enthusiasm and a love of the work you do are all vital in order to succeed in this, and many other fields. Students left with a different perspective on how to develop their own skills and pursue their career aspirations.

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