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  • Author Visit to Moulsham High School – 21st April 2023 

    Author Visit to Moulsham High School – 21st April 2023 

Article Date: 25 April 2023

Article Date: 25 April 2023

As part of the Bridge Book Awards, Notley High School’s awards group were invited to attend an author visit at Moulsham High School.  28 students from years 7, 8 and 9 attended the event.  We were taken to a huge, impressive auditorium where we listened to a talk given by Ele Fountain, author of Melt (one of our book awards books) and four other titles.  It was a fascinating insight into her time living in Ethiopia and some of her other travels which were the inspiration for her books.  Melt is a comment on global warming, which Ele experienced through severe droughts and floods.  Ele has also spent some time in the North Pole, specifically Norway, where she was lucky enough to experience the Northern Lights.

Students were then invited to ask questions.  There was terrific engagement from our students and questions such as what is your favourite arctic animal? How cold did it get in Norway?  What language do they speak in Ethiopia? And many other intelligent and considered questions showed that the students had been very engaged during the talk.

We then visited Moulsham’s library where students took part in a story writing workshop.  Ele guided students through the process of producing their own fictional books.  She explained the important elements to remember – breaking down plot, character and setting and then allowing the students to create their own stories.  Ele also explained the role played by publishers and editors.

Towards the end of the workshop BAT provided us with two £10 WH Smith vouchers for the most engaged students/the best story/the most effort.  We’re pleased to announce that these were won by S. Berry and C. Hendy.

Our students’ behaviour throughout the day was impeccable.  From the time on the bus, to the theatre, workshop and lunch in the library, our students made us very proud.

We look forward to our next trip to Moulsham in June, when the Book Awards ceremony will take place.

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