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2nd Chance
2nd Chance

Article Date: 30 September 2010

Article Date: 30 September 2010

On Friday the 24th of September, RAFT and lesson 3, all of Year 7 went over to the Braintree sixth form to watch a meaningful play called "2nd Chance."

During the play many children started to cry near the end, as the boy who was telling the story was hit by a car and died on the way to hospital. This is because he was distracted and was not looking where he was going.

After the play Miss. Taylor quoted: "It was dramatic and quite difficult to watch at times. I think the students learned lot about how important it is to be safe on the roads!"

A few minutes later Amelia Pavitt (7H) commented: "It was a very dramatic play for all of year 7. It should have taught us a lesson about road safety so be careful out there!"

Isobel Dean - Media club

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