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  • Jack Petchey Achievement Award – Winners

    Jack Petchey Achievement Award – Winners

Article Date: 27 January 2010

Article Date: 27 January 2010

It is with great pleasure that we can announce that the prizes for January, February and March can be awarded this month.  Having checked with the Jack Petchey Foundation, only one student per month can receive an award and as three students were involved in a charitable act, they have to be awarded a month each. The Jack Petchey Foundation is happy for this to happen.


Four months ago, Sam Doré in Year 8, was diagnosed with a very rare cancer and began immediate treatment at the University College London Hospital.  Without any prompting and completely using their own initiative, three of Sam’s Year 8 friends decided to raise money to help support teenage cancer research.  Billy Wall, Charlie Little and Lewis Crawford (all in 8Y) obtained a collection bucket and took it round to tutor groups during afternoon registrations, into their Year 8 assembly and into the Canteen over several days, where they managed to collect £165 from students and staff.  The boys kept in regular touch with Sam during his 4-month treatment, visiting him at home when he was well enough.  This is true friendship.

Chris Doré, Sam’s father, came to school to collect the cash and said how Sam and the family were delighted the boys had done this on his behalf.  The family donated the money between the Teenage Cancer Trust and the CLIC Sargent charities, so that further cancer research can be supported.

We would like to thank Billy, Charlie and Lewis for their act of kindness and generosity of spirit.  The Jack Petchey Achievement Award is given to any student who achieves something significant for either themself or others.  There are many students who would deserve to receive this prestigious Award, so please make your nominations using the form at the back of the newsletter.

Mrs J Smith – Senior Teacher

Phone: The three winners, (from left) Lewis, Billy and Charlie proudly holding their cheques and certificates after the presentation in their Year 8 assembly – displaying their coveted Jack Petchey pin badges.

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