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  • Year 9 Visit to the Guardian

    Year 9 Visit to the Guardian

Article Date: 24 May 2017

Article Date: 24 May 2017
On Tuesday 23 May 2017, 30 Year 9 students had the chance to visit The Guardian News and Media Education Centre.Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form were handpicked to attend as part of the 15th anniversary of the centre opening. Students had the chance to report on the day's stories, acting as editors as well. As part of this anniversary event, we had the chance to speak with Rachel, a sub-editor, who visited us early on. To finish the day, we were extremely honoured to visit the main conference room where the editors and journalists meet each morning at 10am to review the previous day's work and discuss the news coverage for the current working day. Over the course of the last 15 years, we have been one of only three schools afforded this privilege where we also heard from another journalist and sub-editor. The Year 9 students behaved in a professional manner and were commended over the course of the day for this.

Mrs H Sutton
Assistant Headteacher - KS5

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