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  • Year 13 Leavers' Farewell

    Year 13 Leavers' Farewell

Article Date: 09 July 2019

Article Date: 09 July 2019
On Tuesday 2 July 2019, we said goodbye to our Year 13 leavers in style. Students arrived at Fennes in Bocking from 6.30pm and were greeted by many members of staff as well as a welcoming mocktail.The leavers then enjoyed photographs on the immaculate lawn and gardens of the private club, pouting their ways onto our website! We were treated to a hog roast and a few awards were given out before the students danced the night away, celebrating the successes they have all enjoyed. It was a truly fantastic evening and on behalf of all the sixth form team, we would like to say a huge congratulations on completing your studies and thank you for such a wonderful evening.

Mr C Nitsche
Head of College - Hawking

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