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Year 11 Visit the Braintree Careers Fair
Year 11 Visit the Braintree Careers Fair

Article Date: 30 September 2019

Article Date: 30 September 2019
On Wednesday 25 September 2019, Year 11 students visited the Braintree Careers Fair at Chelmsford City Racecourse.

The fair was organised by the IAG Cluster Group, comprising of local schools and other learning providers with the aim to improve careers education and advice across the Braintree district.

Careers fairs are extremely helpful for students who are considering their future career path. Attending one of these events offers the chance to go window shopping for a wide range of different careers, gather useful information and plan future action. The fair hosted representatives from a range of public and private sectors, together with universities, local colleges and apprenticeship providers. Students were encouraged to discuss their future plans and find out about the opportunities available, including KS5 courses and apprenticeships. The morning gave students the chance to discover a range of careers that they previously may not have considered. They were encouraged to speak with employers from a range of industries, including Border Force Control, the health professions, the arts, engineering and manufacturing and the aviation industry.

Students will continue to investigate the world of careers in their PDT lessons. They will attend an independent careers interview with our impartial adviser and are encouraged to discuss their plans with their form tutors.

Click here to see a gallery of photos from the event.

Mrs Robb - Head of PDT

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