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  • Year 11 Leavers' Assembly

    Year 11 Leavers' Assembly

Article Date: 16 May 2017

Article Date: 16 May 2017
On Friday 12 May 2017, Year 11 students had their final assembly together as a year group after almost five years as students of Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form.This was an opportunity for all students to receive their Records of Achievement and for some memories to be shared, along with a number of awards - including some not-so-serious ones. Sophie Norton and Georgia Hawkins gave outstanding performances during the assembly,and we will no doubt hear great things from them in the future. Hannah Bilboe and James Knock spoke very thoughtfully on behalf of the year group and we all enjoyed seeing a few old photos!  At the end of the assembly, thanks to Miss Murdoch's generous contribution of her Jack Petchey prize, students, family and staff were able to pay tribute to Jake Whiteside by releasing balloons in his memory. This proved to be a hugely moving celebration of his friendships with the year group and one which demonstrated the students' strength and kindness towards each other.

This week, with written examinations now underway, and many students revising in school and attending revision sessions, Year 11 students have by no means left us yet, but we very much appreciated the chance to look back over their achievements as a year group and to find a moment to pause and to celebrate. We wish all Year 11 students the very best for their examinations this summer and for the future, and we will look forward to welcoming many of them to Braintree Sixth Form in September.

Mrs M Townsend
Assistant Headteacher – KS4

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