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  • Year 10 Students at The Scholars Programme

    Year 10 Students at The Scholars Programme

Article Date: 12 October 2017

Article Date: 12 October 2017
The University of East Anglia hosted the launch day of The Scholars Programme this year, which was attended by 21 of our Year 10 students on 11 October.Following the success of a similar programme last year with other students in the same year and the year below, we were delighted to put forward even more of our students to enter this round. The focus of The Scholars Programme is to give students an experience of higher education study and to help students develop the skills and knowledge which will help them to progress to higher education if they wish.

The launch of the programme involved a tour of the UAE campus with university students, a talk about university life and applications from a current undergraduate, as well as a session on study skills. Students also reflected on their own learning styles and preferences before meeting the tutor who will be working with them on their studies. Each Scholars Programme involves a series of seven hour-long tutorials with a current PhD student, which will lead to students writing and submitting a 2000 word essay for marking. These are assessed using A level standard criteria and will be awarded university grades from 'First Class' to 'Third' and 'Pass'. These awards will be presented at a graduation ceremony in a different university. Our students will be working with a biologist from King's College, London and will be examining the science and debates around the genetic modification of crops.

The day was a great introduction to the course and all those who worked with our students were keen to pass on their compliments about their positive attitudes and engagement. We wish them every success as they work to complete their projects.

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