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  • Year 10 Respect Project Residential Trip

    Year 10 Respect Project Residential Trip

Article Date: 28 January 2016

Article Date: 28 January 2016
A few Year 10 students were invited to attend a residential trip to the Lake District between 12 and 18 December 2015.When we arrived after a long journey, instructors Clive and Steve took us on a short tour around the building that we would be staying in.  The following day, our instructors Amy and Luke gave us equipment including hard hats, waterproof clothing, head torches and a rucksack, in preparation for our first adventure on the hills.

We split into two teams and learnt about team work and how to use the navigation equipment.  We then made our way to the top of the hill at 710 metres high, where there were many obstacles to overcome, snow being one of them.  On day 3, we strived our way up another hill, but this time we did rock scrambling where we had to climb large and slippery rocks to make it to the top,  The view was amazing, but the drop down was frightening.  On day 5, we did another type of scrambling called ghyll scrambling where we climbed up a hill, through a freezing cold stream of water; Steve our instructor taught us about mines as there were a couple in the area.  Later that day we went to the town called Keswick, in which we showed our support due to the large flooding in the town.  On day 6, we started on our 24 hour expedition, carrying huge and heavy rucksacks along the way.  The expedition was extremely tiring and felt never ending but with the help from all four instructors we eventually made it.  At one point in the journey we had to cross over a waterfall and make our way down steep stones.

When we finally arrived at the destination we set up our tents and started cooking our ration packs with outdoor cooking equipment which was hard, but we eventually got there.  After sleeping in a tent we made our long return journey and when we finally arrived back at the house we were tired and hungry.  After food and rest we cleaned up the house and we each reflected on the week with Clive. 

It was an amazing week and I am looking forward to the presentation evening on 1 February 2016.

Leon Greer 10L

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