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  • Year 10 GCSE Revision Sessions

    Year 10 GCSE Revision Sessions

Article Date: 22 April 2013

Article Date: 22 April 2013

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 10 GCSE Revision Sessions

There will be a series of GCSE Core Science revision sessions led by teaching staff during this term. The planned programme is overleaf, for your information. 


More detailed information will be sent to you about the sessions that we are planning, and once you have received such letters we would ask that you return the reply slip to confirm attendance for your son or daughter at particular sessions.

If you have any particular queries please contact me or Mrs Lillywhite, Year Leader – Year 10, by telephone or email.  Email contact details for all staff can be found on the school website and the parent portal.

Yours faithfully

Mr N Vosper                                   

Faculty Leader - Science

Mrs A Lillywhite

Year Leader – Year 10

Please click here to download planned programme 

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