Article Date: 27 March 2019
Article Date: 27 March 2019
On Monday 25 March 2019, two students from Emmanuel College, Cambridge – Tom and Sabrina – visited the school to talk with a group of Years 8 and 9 students. They spoke about life at the University of Cambridge, how they are taught, what they do away from their studies and how to apply.
This was followed by a question and answer session in which our students asked some excellent questions about topics including accommodation, the differences in applications across subjects, the different societies and how not to get distracted from revision! The two university students commented to me afterwards that they were very impressed by the range and quality of questions.
Contributing towards the students’ careers education, this was a brilliant opportunity to meet and interact with current university students from one of the best universities in the world. As well as talking about Cambridge, Tom and Sabrina also offered a little insight into other universities that they had visited, such as Bath and Loughborough, and how they differed from Cambridge.
A student commented, “I think they were very informative and gave us a good insight to life at university. I was already interested in going to Cambridge and now I know a bit more about what I must do to apply. It sounds a lot harder to get there than I thought, but it will motivate me to work harder in school.”
Mr D Griffiths
Careers Leader