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  • Tree Huggers

    Tree Huggers

Article Date: 21 November 2019

Article Date: 21 November 2019

Tree Huggers is an Environmental Science club, where students discuss and try to actively do things that will have a positive impact on anything from climate change, to ensuring our local wildlife are fed and looked after, to looking at how, as a school, we can tackle the overuse of plastics and ensure we are careful with our waste.

We invited Tiffany Wallace, Postgrad Researcher and Science Communicator from the University of East Anglia and Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots to visit us on Friday 8 November 2019 to talk about Roots and Shoots and the things students can do if they would like to work in ecology and conservation and how students can be involved as young people in Roots and Shoots.

The Tree Huggers found this talk very inspiring and engaging and they will now work with Roots and Shoots to undertake lots of exciting projects.

Mrs K Russell
Science Teacher

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