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Surviving Teenage Years

Surviving Teenage Years

Article Date: 17 October 2016

Article Date: 17 October 2016
On Thursday 13 October students from Years 11, 12 and 13 attended a conference entitled ‘Surviving the Teenage Years’ at Earls Colne Golf Club.Jack Petchey Foundation

Those that attended included our Senior Student Team, as well as Sixth Form Student Ambassadors. Whilst there students participated in a range of workshops that explored different risks online, drug and alcohol use and managing positive and negative feelings and attitudes about yourself and towards others. There was also a performance of a short play which Mrs Dennis particularly enjoyed. Henry Fitch-Bartlett, Year 13, said that the workshop ‘included lots of factual information that can be used in later life’. 

This experience would not have been possible for our students without the funding received for the cost of our transport from the Educational Visits Programme at The Jack Petchey Foundation.

Mrs H Sutton
Assistant Headteacher, Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form

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