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  • Show Racism the Red Card 2021

    Show Racism the Red Card 2021

Article Date: 22 October 2021

Article Date: 22 October 2021

Wear Red Day

Students and staff have been taking part in a non-uniform/dress down day across the school today, 22 October, in support of the charity Show Racism the Red Card. Show Racism the Red Card is the UK's largest anti-racism charity and students and staff have been encouraged to wear something red to show how we unite against racism.

In 1990s Newcastle, Shaka Hislop was at a petrol station near St James Park when he was confronted with a group of young people shouting racist abuse at him. After one of the group realised that they had been shouting at Shaka Hislop, the then Newcastle United football player, they came over to ask for an autograph. It was from this experience that Shaka realised he could harness his status as a professional player to make a difference. Coupled with the power of football and his status as a role model, Shaka thought education could be an effective strategy in challenging racism in society.

Donations to the charity's work via ParentPay are still coming in and stand at over £500 at the time of writing - many thanks for generous donations received so far.

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