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  • Shakespeare Schools Festival

    Shakespeare Schools Festival

Article Date: 03 March 2016

Article Date: 03 March 2016

A Poignant Production of The Winter’s Tale

The Winter’s Tale Produced and Performed by Notley High School

16h November 2015
Appraised by Hannah Brailsford

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Notley High School on their wonderful production of The Winter’s Tale at The Civic Theatre. This was an accomplished and original production, and I’d like to highlight a few key elements which really stood out for me.

There were some great moments of ensemble in this piece which were fantastic to watch. The moment between Leontes and Camilo when he reveals his suspicions of Hermione was amplified by the fact that the ensemble were reflecting the characters inner thoughts. This also clarified the story telling for the audience.

A particularly powerful moment of visual storytelling in the production was during the court scene. The ensemble signposted and reacted to the drama very effectively. I also enjoyed the way that the ensemble spoke in unison at points.

The cast’s brilliant characterisations throughout meant the audience were really invested in the relationships between the characters and their emotional journeys. The whole cast had very
impressive stage presence and brought a great energy to the production.

I’d also like to commend the cast on their professionalism and teamwork, which hugely
impressed me. This production was powerful, perfectly played and poignant. Huge congratulations to all the cast and crew who made it happen. I hope to see Notley High School in the Festival again next year.

Hannah Brailsford
Shakespeare Schools Festival Venue Director

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