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  • Science Talk by Daniel Ranson

    Science Talk by Daniel Ranson

Article Date: 24 January 2018

Article Date: 24 January 2018

On Monday 15 Jan 2018, an ex-Notley pupil who is now studying for a PhD in neuropharmacology in London, came back to school to give a talk to an invited audience of Year 11, 12 and 13 students and staff in the Theatre.

Daniel Ranson, who was a student at Notley until 2009, spoke to the current pupils about his journey from Notley to the University of East London via Colchester Institute and a spell at Costa Coffee!  He was keen to point out that he did not always take the work at school seriously enough and that made his pathway into higher education all the more difficult; he urged the young people present to take the opportunities given to them and try to make the correct choices.  Daniel finished with outlining the science behind his current research into addiction and the audience was fascinated by his stories of using small fruit flies to study the genetics of addiction to alcohol so that a breakthrough could potentially be made in treating addiction in humans.  The Science Department at Notley wish to extend their thanks to Daniel for taking the time to come and speak, and we wish him all the best in his research as he seeks to become Dr. Ranson!

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