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  • School Closure - Monday 11 December 12:10pm

    School Closure - Monday 11 December 12:10pm

Article Date: 01 December 2015

Article Date: 01 December 2015

With the weather conditions worsening and having had contact from the bus company, we have taken the decision to close early today, due to the updated forecast of heavy snow between now and 2pm. Buses and taxis will be here to collect students at 1pm.

This includes the Terling bus which was not able to run this morning. The Burnham/Southminster/Maldon bus will be here at 1.30.Students who are not able to be collected at 1pm and who cannot walk home should stay in the canteen at 1pm, where they will be supervised.Your children will be told to go to lunch at 12:30, so that all students are able to buy lunch before going home.  We will review opening time tomorrow morning, as it is forecasting freezing conditions overnight.

Please check our website and Facebook page for updates.


David Conway

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