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  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet

Article Date: 26 November 2018

Article Date: 26 November 2018
On Wednesday 21 November 2018, 57 students from Years 7 to 11 watched a live screening of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s (RSC) Romeo and Juliet before taking part in an RSC-style workshop.This opportunity arose because Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form has recently become an associate school with the Royal Shakespeare Company. The fundamental ambition of the Associate Schools Programme is to bring about a significant change in the way young people experience, engage with, and take ownership of the work of Shakespeare.
Students were incredibly well-behaved whilst watching this high-quality production of Romeo and Juliet – you could have heard a pin drop! During the workshop, students worked in the same way that actors do in a rehearsal room, exploring the play and the language in a dynamic and active way before creating and performing their own scene from the play. It was amazing to see such a wide range of exciting and imaginative performances.
It is hoped that this opportunity helped to make Shakespeare, and theatre-going, vivid, accessible and fun for our students.
Ms V Bailey Miss L Ford
Lead Co-ordinators – RSC Associate School Programme

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