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  • Pangea Mathematics Competition

    Pangea Mathematics Competition

Article Date: 08 May 2019

Article Date: 08 May 2019
Some Year 7 and Year 8 students completed an international Pangea competition recently, with a range of prizes available to students.The competition involves a range of problem-solving tasks; it really pushes the students and improves their analytical skills. Students achieved some good scores in the competition. Well done to all students who completed the competition.
One of our Year 8 students, Daniel George, was invited to the finals in London to compete with other students across the country. This was a fantastic achievement and a first for Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form. Daniel went to the Hendon Campus at Middlesex University London and had a fantastic experience.
We left home at 8.30am Saturday morning and got back just after 5pm. When we got there, we registered and then waited for the hour’s exam to start at 11am. After the exam, there was an entertainer doing magic for the children and we had lunch. We then had a presentation in the theatre at 2pm for just over an hour and a half.
Daniel George came third in the whole competition. A fantastic achievement and he really is a credit to the school. We are all very proud of you in the Mathematics department.

Mr S Johnson
Teacher - Mathematics

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