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  • Odd sock day!

    Odd sock day!

Article Date: 24 November 2021

Article Date: 24 November 2021

Week commencing 15 November 2021 was anti-bullying week at school. As well as an assembly and some tutor time activities, we also ran a "Design an odd sock" competition for Year 7, to celebrate the fact that we are all unique.

We had so many great entries from our Year 7s and it was so difficult to choose a winner! The runner up was Stanley Ryman in 7F2 and the winner of the voucher was Freya Strzelecki in 7C2, so well done Freya! We loved the different design elements in your sock and its beautiful presentation too.

I would like to also say well done to everyone who took part - I loved looking through all the designs and seeing your creativity!

Mrs Wallace

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