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  • Natasha Stewart Visit

    Natasha Stewart Visit

Article Date: 06 February 2020

Article Date: 06 February 2020
On Tuesday 4 February 2020, students in Braintree Sixth Form and our Year 10 students were fortunate to hear a performance from an upcoming Scottish solo artist, Natasha Stewart.

Following her performance, Natasha spoke to the students about careers, aspirations and mental health

Natasha Stewart is a Scottish solo artist who goes under the moniker "ThisisNamaste." Natasha has toured as a backing singer for Rita Ora and Ella Eyre, and is now embarking on her own solo journey. She has had her own struggles with mental health and spoke to the students about this, including her experiences of being at school, university and starting in her singing career.

Natasha reflected on her own decisions and delivered important messages to our students about the importance of education and working hard at school, why it is important to think about their future now, and the options that face them. After having her own issues with online safety, stress and mental health, Natasha discussed these and spoke to our students about being empowered to speak about their state of mind, how to recognise when they may need to reach out and who to talk to.

Natasha was relatable, she gave an enjoyable performance and delivered important messages to our students that fall alongside key material delivered within our personal development programme.

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