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  • Maths Challenge

    Maths Challenge

Article Date: 03 May 2013

Article Date: 03 May 2013

On Thursday 25th April, 10 students from Year 7, 8 and 9 were invited to participate in a maths day at New Rickstones Academy in Witham, provided by the Millenium Project. 


The day consisted of lateral thinking and mathematical challenges which developed team building, logical reasoning and skills in thinking and communicating mathematical ideas.

Students were divided into teams of five and completed various challenges throughout the morning against teams from New Rickstones Academy and Maltings Academy.  We ended the day with a maths quiz and I am very proud to announce that our Team 1 were the winners, receiving a cup and Team 2 were first runners up receiving individual medals.

A big well done to Oliver Claxton, James Knock, Jake Whiteside, Tilly Kilkelly, Alice Thurston, Jordan Rudge, Keerthy Vijendran, Lorna Upton, Ben Turley and Tom Sewell. 

It was a very enjoyable day and our students’ behaviour was outstanding. Thank you to all of the participants and to New Rickstones Academy for making us welcome.


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