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  • Lunchtime Arrangements

    Lunchtime Arrangements

Article Date: 08 September 2017

Article Date: 08 September 2017

Mr Conway has sent out a letter today about the changes to the Food Hall and outside eating areas that have taken place over the summer. We are delighted and a little overwhelmed by the positive response by students who are using the canteen at break and lunchtimes.

We have not yet got the new queueing system right and we ask that you bear with us as we sort it out. From Monday, we are going to let Year 7s and Year 8s go to lunch 10 minutes early in a bid to alleviate the queues at the start of lunchtime. Please also note that Years 9, 10 and 11 students do not have to go straight to the canteen at 1.30pm and could go to the toilet or to their lockers prior to arriving at the canteen. 

Students with packed lunches do not have to queue; they can go and sit down straight away. No eating is permitted anywhere other than in the canteen and picnic area.

Today was another busy day with freshly cooked pizza being a very popular choice and one that ran out before the end of service.  Contrary to what some students seem to be telling you, we have not run out of food on any day. Today, for example, 24 portions of fish and chips and peas/beans, 82 southern fried chicken burgers, 12 portions of onion bhaji and chips and approximately 30 portions of pasta were left over at the end of service.  

The new menus are being trialled, and are very popular. It will take a few weeks to settle and to be able to better predict which are the most popular choices. Please bear with us. We will send the menu for the week ahead out with the Parent/Carer bulletin from next Friday.

As was the case last year, students are not allowed in the main building (unless at a club) between 1.45pm and 2.05pm. They can remain in the canteen and picnic area throughout the whole of lunchtime if they wish. There is now seating for 650 students in this area.


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