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  • Lockdown Poetry – Year 10

    Lockdown Poetry – Year 10

Article Date: 27 January 2021

Article Date: 27 January 2021
Some of year 10 were given the challenge of using a range of writing methods to capture the feeling of this new period of lockdown in the form of a poem. They did a fantastic job to share some of the feelings, thoughts and emotions many of us are experiencing including missing friends, confusion and hope for the future.

Here are some examples.

Mrs Lane

Life Behind Social Bars 

Lockdown during covid, 
It’s like a mental jail, 
Everyone is holed up, 
And looking very frail. 

It’s a never ending story. 
A train without a stop. 
When will our journey end? 
When will it drop? 

Days are feeling longer. 
Assignments reeling in. 
This is going down in history, 
But we’d prefer it in the bin. 

Louis Mills 

In the War Facing the Enemy 

We are in a war, 
We are all firing our guns, 
We are clinging to our loved ones, 
We are looking through binoculars. 

We are all at a loss, 
All the days are exact, 
All the same desire, 
All the same hope. 

Some on rough terrain, 
Some on a gentle wave, 
Some battling with the enemy, 
Some are in the shade. 

See the enemy in the eye, 
See how far you have come. 

Charlie Cole 

We Will Remember This 

We’re all in this together, 
Even though we are apart.  

We sit on our sofas, 
Waiting for the news. 
The anticipation builds: 
Will we finally be free? 

Free to go on holiday. 
To have sleepovers. 
To go into someone’s house. 
Free to do anything we want.  

It’s like we’re trapped in a cage 
And there’s no key to get out. 
But we must stick together, 
And follow the laws, 
So our country can get back to normal.  

This time allows us to 
Get closer with our families. 

But drift away from our friends… 

Happy yet sad.  
Excited but confused.  
We will remember this.  

Lucy Shelter 

A Teen in the Storm

There was a storm that arrived when I was once free
I wouldn't believe what was about to happen to me
It stayed for a week, though I thought it would pass
I didn't think this tragic storm was going to last

One day our lives were normal, crazy and mad
The next day was different when it all turned bad
For days on end it just sat quiet here
There was now this new thing I was beginning to fear

The rain is a trap, we are all stuck at home
And the only way to talk is to pick up the phone
I have to look at my friends through this tiny screen
And cant see them in person which can be hard for a teen.

The storm above us had make me struggle
But I know this feeling isn't only in my bubble
For many it is darkness below every single day
But for others up high, there’re flying away

Ellie Hicks

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