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  • KS4 Awards Evening

    KS4 Awards Evening

Article Date: 09 December 2016

Article Date: 09 December 2016
The Key Stage 4 Awards evening is a chance for us to celebrate the successes of students in their final GCSE examinations and in their first year of externally examined courses, and also to recognise students' achievements in many other aspects of school life

It was a pleasure to welcome back many of last year's Year 11, the 'Class of 2016' to the evening, as well as to see the efforts and achievements of the current Year 11 represented and rewarded. James Cleverly MP presented awards, prizes and GCSE certificates to students, and spoke entertainingly to the audience about  the ways his own life has not always gone to plan, and the need for us all to be able to adapt and show resilience in the face of the unexpected.

Georgia Hawkins and Alex Deith both performed individually, demonstrating some of the huge musical talent within the school, and were rewarded with much appreciation from the audience.

A number of special awards were presented to individuals, perhaps most significantly this year the inaugural presentation of the Janet Turner Memorial Prize. Janet Turner was a longstanding governor of the school and the award is intended for a student who has contributed greatly to the school and the wider community. Verity Forster was presented with this award. 

Mrs M Townsend
Assistant Headteacher
Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form


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