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  • Jon Robinson Visit

    Jon Robinson Visit

Article Date: 09 June 2016

Article Date: 09 June 2016

On Wednesday 8 June the author Jon Robinson visited Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form. Jon Robinson is the author behind the successful Nowhere trilogy. 

During Jon’s visit, he spent time with Years 7 and 8 students, delivering talks and allowing the opportunity for questions at the end. Staff and students alike were highly engaged by Jon and hearing his account of his experience and motives that resulted in him becoming an author. Jon also delivered a workshop later on in the day to a selected number of Year 7 and 8 students that was centred on creative writing, inspiring our own budding authors to complete challenge tasks and consider possible plots for their own future novels. It was a really enjoyable morning and we thank Jon for visiting us. 

Mrs H Sutton – Literacy Co-ordinator

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