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  • Jack Petchey Winners 2013

    Jack Petchey Winners 2013

Article Date: 26 April 2013

Article Date: 26 April 2013


Jack Bird was nominated for the award by his family for his tremendous work with St John’s ambulance.  

Jack regularly gives up his own time to help out a festivals and events and train others in first aid.  He has also run 5K to raise money for Little Havens hospice and continued to work very hard at school, keeping on top of all his work.  Jack has given his money to the new computer programming club.


Jamie Lee Bamford, nominated by Miss Smith, was awarded the award in February for her hard work campaigning for a new BMX track in Rayne.  Her hard work has paid off and they parish council have won a grant from Essex County Council to start work building a new one.  Jamie has also raised money herself towards the project.  She has donated her money to the PE department.


Rebecca Calder won the award in March for her dedicated help with Brownies in Black Notley.  She helps every week with meetings and gives up time to help with extra activities outside of this time such as sleep overs and outings.  She has also continued to work very hard at her studies, achieving excellent results so far in module exams.

We have so many students that do brilliant things in and out of school, but we don’t always get to hear about them.  If you know a student who deserves to be rewarded for something they do or a personal achievement, please fill in a nomination form and pop it in the box at the campus reception or in the main school library. 

 MG 9974

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