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  • Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge

    Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge

Article Date: 07 July 2020

Article Date: 07 July 2020
On Monday 6 July 2020, Saffron Hawkins took part in the digital final for the 'Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge'. Students were asked to perform a three-minute speech that they had written themselves, on a topic of their own choosing.

Saffron's speech, 'Why lie?’ explored a whole range of lies from little white lies to random lies to those huge lies that have the potential to cause a lot of damage. She pointed out how confusing lies can be before advising us to steer clear of lies!

Saffron was chosen to represent the school after she completed the 'Jack Petchey Speak Out Workshop' at school in March 2020. Since then, as well as keeping up-to-date with remote learning, Saffron has completed further online training with 'The Speaker's Trust', improved her speech and filmed it for the digital final. 

In total, ten students made it to the final, from schools as far away as Hornchurch and Wimbledon. We were so proud of Saffron's energy and passion and felt she was a worthy opponent in a field of strong public speakers.

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