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  • Elizabeth Lewis - Jack Petchey Award Winner June 2015

    Elizabeth Lewis - Jack Petchey Award Winner June 2015

Article Date: 06 July 2015

Article Date: 06 July 2015

Elizabeth was nominated by her year leader for her fundraising efforts. Elizabeth has been working really hard with her mother to raise money for the Watoto mission. The charity is working in Uganda to look after orphaned and vulnerable children and vulnerable women.

Working alongside the local government, community and other stakeholders on the ground, Watoto has been actively involved in making northern Uganda liveable again. This includes homing orphaned children and family based holistic care to ensure all people in the community are looked after and have necessary healthcare.

Elizabeth, along with 12 other people from her church will be going out to Uganda in August to help with the projects that Watoto are running and have been raising money to get out to the country and for a building project. As part of this, Elizabeth completed a very long sponsored walk that took all day. This was a real challenge and required a great deal of determination on her part. Elizabeth will be continuing with her fundraising throughout the summer and her efforts so impressed our selection panel that they were also inspired to offer support with fundraising for this worthwhile cause.

A fantastic effort, Elizabeth! We wish you well in your fundraising and trip to Africa.

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