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  • Information for Parents/Carers of Students in Years 7 - 10

    Information for Parents/Carers of Students in Years 7 - 10

Article Date: 19 March 2020

Article Date: 19 March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers

Following the announcement yesterday regarding school closures and partial opening I want to update you on the situation at Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form.Yesterday the Education Secretary indicated that all schools would be closed for most students, but would remain open for the children of key workers and for those in various vulnerable categories – providing a safe place and access to meals. We are expecting a definition of ‘key worker’ today from the DfE, but at the time of writing we still do not have this information. It will take time to determine the nature of this provision and we will then be putting in steps to identify those of you who will be affected by this. We will contact you tomorrow with further details.

Although we have been anticipating such an announcement, and prepared for various scenarios, the limited details so far released raise considerably more questions than answers. Alongside this, you will all have your own legitimate concerns and queries.

The Secretary of State gave no undertaking that schools would be expected to sustain a pattern of normal learning during the closure; rather that any available staff would be expected to support other frontline efforts. We are planning to ensure that the work provided for those studying at home will also be used to support students attending school.

Further information will be sent to you tomorrow about free school meals, provision for students with an EHCP and any other relevant details about expectations for students completing work at home during the school closure.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your on-going support during these ever- changing times.

Yours faithfully

Dr C Cusick
Head of School

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