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  • Holocaust Memorial Day

    Holocaust Memorial Day

Article Date: 15 March 2023

Article Date: 15 March 2023

To commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, year 9 students were fortunate enough to watch an interview with Holocaust survivor Mala Tribich, MBE. The aim of this event was for students to understand the horrors of the Holocaust through a first-hand eyewitness. Mala spoke of her experiences in the ghetto, the massacre of Jews in the synagogue by the Nazis and her experiences in Ravensbrück, the only concentration camp specifically designed for Women. Mala was very emotive and expressive when recounting her experiences, sparing no details and ensuring our students were fully aware of what she went through. She feels that this is her duty as a Holocaust survivor, as she hopes that “by speaking out, it is my greatest hope that something positive will be handed to the future generation.” Our year 9 students found this interview both informative and deeply moving. Mala Tribich’s interview is significant in that she touches on the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day for 2023:  ’Ordinary People.’ Mala did not mystify her experiences; she spoke informatively, pointing out that the Holocaust was a crime carried out by ordinary people on ordinary people.

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