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  • Holly Rayner - Jack Petchey Winner May 2017

    Holly Rayner - Jack Petchey Winner May 2017

Article Date: 10 May 2017

Article Date: 10 May 2017
Holly was nominated by her mother, after they suffered a serious car accident back in January in France.

Holly’s mother was very seriously injured and was taken to a different hospital to Holly for checks and treatment. Holly and her father then returned to the UK, leaving her mother behind in France as she was not well enough to travel for another week.

Following her mother’s return to the UK, Holly has helped around the house and cared for her mother when she was too unwell to care for herself.

In April, Holly’s mother became very seriously unwell at home. Holly called the emergency services and her father, and looked after her mother until the paramedics arrived. Holly spent every day at the hospital with her mother, showing no signs of fear. If she hadn’t have thought so quickly in calling for paramedics things could have turned far worse.

Holly has acted with tenacity and calm in very stressful situations and we are all incredibly proud of her.

Well done Holly!

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