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Deadly Distraction

Deadly Distraction

Article Date: 10 October 2018

Article Date: 10 October 2018

The whole of Year 7 watched a road safety play on Wednesday 3 October 2018. This was part of Safer Essex Roads Partnership’s (SERP) road safety programme and delivered to highlight key road safety messages at a time when students will be making independent journeys.

Students learnt about the importance of being safe and not being distracted around the roads when moving to and from school. The play was delivered by ‘The Riot Act’ and the play consisted of three actors assuming the roles of three teenagers who are dealing with their own issues and not paying full attention to the roads they are near. The actors’ performances were fantastic and were delivered with music, video imagery and references that the students could really relate to.

After the play, the actors broke character and conducted an interactive workshop to analyse the story and their characters and to go over some of the sad and hard hitting facts about the tragedies that occur on the roads in the UK particularly within the students’ age group. The students thoroughly enjoyed the play and certainly left the hall with a fresh perspective on the dangers of being around the roads.

Mrs M Robb
Faculty Leader - PDT, PSHE and Careers


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