13 March 2020
13 March 2020
13 March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
The safety and welfare of students and staff is one of our highest priorities. We can confirm that members of our school community have chosen to self-isolate as they have symptoms associated with Coronavirus (Covid-19). This has not been confirmed by 111 or any medical professional and they have not had contact with anyone returning from a high-risk area of anyone with Coronavirus.
Symptoms in children
Public Health England have changed their advice to all members of the public that they should self-isolate for a period of at least seven days should they show the symptoms of a fever/high temperature and/or a new persistent cough.We have also been told that children can contract Covid-19 and the symptoms are frequently mild. With this in mind, we urge all parents/carers to keep their children away from school for a week if they are concerned that their child might be displaying these symptoms.
Trips & Visits
The government have advised that all school trips abroad should stop; we have none planned in the immediate future and will review the guidance in due course as the situation develops. We would ask parents/carers to be patient on this matter and we will inform you as soon as there is clarity. Additionally, all trips and visits have been cancelled from Tuesday 17 March until the Easter holidays. We will communicate directly with parents/carers whose children are on trips.
French Trip
With regards to the current Year 8 History and French trip which is returning from Paris today, we have been advised by the Department for Education that students and staff can return to normal life, school/work, on their return from France. If, during the next seven days any develop a symptom or state that they are feeling unwell they must call 111 immediately for support. If anyone has the slightest cough and/or temperature (for Coronavirus this is 38 degrees, peaking at 38.3), they must immediately call 111 and disclose the area that they have returned from. If anyone has a temperature under 38 degrees, this is not a Coronavirus fever. They will be told to self-isolate for seven days. Public Health England feel that it is better not to test until disclosure of breathing difficulties, as they do not wish to risk people coming into contact with anyone that does have Coronavirus.
Extra-Curricular Clubs, Activities & Fixtures
While the school will remain open during the normal day, we will take some steps to minimise the risk of community transmission in additional activities. We have therefore decided to cancel or postpone after-school clubs, activities and fixtures from Monday 16 March for the time being.
Partial Closure of School
As stated previously, our aim will be to keep Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form open through this period, or until government policy changes. With this in mind we do need to inform you that there are minimum safe staffing levels for our operation and in the event of heavy staff absence through self-isolation it may be necessary to partially close the school to some students. We would only make this decision when it is essential in terms of safe staffing levels, and our decision about when to send children home would be made on the basis of their age and the closeness of their public examinations. Decisions may be made at short notice but we would hope to inform parents/carers on the day before if we have to partially close.
Full Closure of the School
Should the government decide that schools across the country should close then we will of course follow this advice. We believe that we would be able to continue a form of online education for students, and teaching staff would be expected to work from home to set work. If this occurs, we will provide more detailed information to parents/carers and students.
Further Information
We will continue to be vigilant with cleanliness and to promote hand hygiene. We would like to remind you to look regularly at the government’s advice on these matters, as this will include the most up to date guidance.
Thank you for your understanding on this matter and your support.
Yours faithfully
Dr C Cusick
Head of School