Article Date: 08 December 2010
Article Date: 08 December 2010
Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form are delighted to announce that they have been given a grant of £2100 by Braintree District Council’s GreenHeart Award. The award aims to improve the appearance of the local area, increase community involvement and encourage pride in the community. The grant also encourages a sense of belonging and supports Braintree District Council’s GreenHeart campaign.
Our bid for the grant was put together by Notley High’s Gardening Club who have been improving small contained areas within school for just over a year. The club has recently been given an area of land within the grounds that they are using to create an allotment – produce grown will be sold to the school’s canteens. The money from the grant will buy essential tools, a shed, a greenhouse and lots of seeds.Rosie Bonny, Notley High School’s Community Engagement Co-ordinator, commented: “We are absolutely delighted to receive the grant – it will help us buy the tools we need to make the allotment a real success.”
“It’s vital that young people learn the value of giving back to the local community, as well as working as a team towards one united goal. Everyone involved in the project should be very proud of themselves.”
The area for the allotment has been cleared by Braintree Sixth Form’s Silver Duke of Edinburgh group and once up and running, the allotment will available to all students to use during clubs run by the school gardening team.