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  • Class of 2013 Have Left the Building

    Class of 2013 Have Left the Building

Article Date: 16 May 2013

Article Date: 16 May 2013

After 5 years of trials, tribulations and (for the most part) the best years of their lives Year 11 have now officially left Notley. 


Following their final assembly they decamped to the canteen for shirt signing, photos, hugs and tears. Apparently the girls were quite upset too. They then took their last steps off the premises. Eventually. This yeargroup I think now holds the record for slowest to leave. Maybe they might actually have realised how much they will miss the place. Again, eventually.

Pictures will follow once they have been thoroughly checked for anything written on shirts that might (however wrongly) be misconstrued as slightly inappropriate. Heaven forbid ;-) 

Good luck with your exams folks - see you at the prom in July.

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