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  • Braintree Sixth Form: Celebrating Success

    Braintree Sixth Form: Celebrating Success

Article Date: 29 September 2020

Article Date: 29 September 2020
As a teacher, it is always lovely to hear of ex-students’ achievements and successes. James Cook left Braintree Sixth Form a couple of years ago to study Architecture at UCL.

The course has managed to fulfil his love of historical architecture and he has visited numerous places such as Madrid, New Orleans, Germany, Switzerland and Sicily to study their building designs.

He was always a very artistic student and I remember him expertly designing and drawing film posters for his A Level Media coursework. He was interested in architectural drawing and I commissioned an ink and watercolour drawing of my own house by him; he also did a fantastic piece of artwork as a leaving gift for a previous headteacher at the school, Simon Thompson.

It is great to see his talents being recognised in his recent exhibition of original typewriter art at Thaxted Guildhall, which can be viewed in this link, available on BBC News and this link, available on the Daily Mail online.

Ms J Shepherd

Teacher – Media Studies

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