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  • BBC Children In Need 2021

    BBC Children In Need 2021

Article Date: 18 November 2021

Article Date: 18 November 2021

Non-Uniform Day – Children in Need

The school will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 19 November 2021 to raise money for Children in Need.

Children in Need provide grants to projects in the UK which focus on children and young people who are disadvantaged. They are local to people in all corners of the UK and support small and large organisations which empower children and extend their life choices. Students will be asked to make a £1 donation, but if they wish to contribute more, they may do so. If you would also like to make a contribution, this would be acceptable also.

Donations can be made via Parent Pay or by cash. Sweets are also available for purchase by cash. 

See the letter below for full details. 


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