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  • Apprenticeship Fair

    Apprenticeship Fair

Article Date: 11 March 2019

Article Date: 11 March 2019
On Thursday 7 March 2019, all Year 10 students were given the opportunity to visit the STEM Innovation Centre at Colchester Institute, Braintree Campus. As part of the careers curriculum provided in school, students were able to visit an apprenticeship fair, hosted by The Braintree Learning Partnership, comprising of seven schools and other learning providers.

A number of representatives from a range of public and private sector employers, as well as universities, local colleges and training providers, each offered information regarding future options post 16.

Students enjoyed learning about the benefits apprenticeships can offer, including the range of apprenticeships available and the different routes to employment, with one student saying “It was really good because it gave me an idea of other options for after high school” and another saying “I found out I don’t have to go to university”. Some students also enjoyed having the opportunity to use a virtual reality headset!

Apprenticeships provide students with the opportunity to gain a range of qualifications whilst working on the job, and getting paid for it. For more information about apprenticeships and to search for apprenticeships, visit

The event, including transport, was fully funded by Essex Skills Board and “Make Happen” which is part of the Essex National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP). Make Happen is a collaborative programme to inspire young people, raise aspirations and promote interest in Higher Education as a route to achieving their ambitions.

Mr Griffiths, Careers Leader
Mrs Robb, Head of Faculty - PSHE and Careers

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