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  • Angels vs Bullies

    Angels vs Bullies

Article Date: 20 November 2015

Article Date: 20 November 2015

During Anti-bullying week, the whole of year 8 were lucky enough to take a trip to our local Cineworld to watch 'Angels vs Bullies.' 

The film was created by London Bus Theatre Company Films, with a view to educate young people about the dangers of bullying and ways to overcome bullying.  

Thank you to Mrs Saward and all the staff at Cineworld, Braintree. 

Miss Stanley. 

On Thursday the 19th of November we went to Braintree Cineworld, to watch Angels vs Bullies. Only the Year 8 tutor groups were lucky enough to go and watch the movie. An overview of the received reports from the year 8 students was that they enjoyed the trip, they also found it interesting and educational and we would recommend this factual film for other schools to watch. A student spoke to us saying 'It was a great movie and I would love to visit the cinema again with the school another time.' 

Aaron Fugeman and Will Farrow, 8T 

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